Ollie Horn: Comedy for Toxic People (and their friends) @ the Austral.

Reviewed by the Lonely Archaeologist.

They say never work with children or animals, I might add Ollie Horn to that list. Ollie is a seasoned veteran comic hailing from the United Kingdom who has blessed crowds at the Adelaide Fringe with his unique blend of comedy, unhealthy relationships and audience harassment. Ollie truly has established a toxic atmosphere where his fast humour and sly, nasty wit thrives. If you like to heckle at stand up comics, do I have the show for you!

This show has been described by another comedian as Ollie being a horndog who is trying to get pussy for an hour that you paid for and from my experience, that’s a fair assessment of this show. Ollie manages to incite the audience into participating in the show through his unique blend of self victimisation as a bachelor looking for love, breast inspections, insulting crowd goers and his swaggering, swinging hips to the strains of Rush by Troye Sivane.

It’s a wee bit nippy in here, 5 stars.

Ollie Horn: Comedy for Toxic People (and their friends) is at the Austral during the Adelaide Fringe from 1st-16th March 2024.


Disclaimer: I promised Ollie a 5 star review for showing me both his nipples during the premiere show. This sexual harassment has nothing to do with the fact he actually gave a 5 star show. Just saying folks.

Author: queencatfab

I'm a poet, writer, renegade Fringe reviewer/critic and so very deep into geekdom. I have grown up performing in various creative arts that have given me an intimate understanding of the industry and of artistry. I have a broad background in the arts with interests in archaeology, tourism, history and the performing arts. I like to read a lot and I’ve got an honours degree in literature (involving vampires. I have no idea what year I’m as a Fringe reviewer and I’m a trusted, respected critic in the network of performers I review. I volunteer for a science organisation and festival as a communications project officer for 2024.

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